Service Level Terminology
Service, Provider, Consumer, Stakeholder, Owner, Failure, Metric, and Consumption
In the context of service levels, there are multiple terms that are related to each other. These terms are used in the upcoming features of Service Level Calculator:
Product is a collection of services
Service is a capability or feature that solves a problem for the consumers.
Service Consumer uses the service for their use cases or problems.
Service Consumption describes why and how the consumer uses a service.
Service Provider offers the service and can be automated or manual.
Service Owner owns the service (knows it, has mandate over how it works, and is responsible for maintaining its service level commitment).
Service Stakeholder is the equivalent of the service provider on the consumer side and has a say in service level objective (SLO).
Failure threatens the service consumption and negatively impacts service level.
Metric measures behavior which is primarily useful for detecting service failure.
Service Level Indicator (SLI) combines a metric with a budgeting method to indicate the service level.
Service Level Status (SLS) calculates the service level for a given period.
Service Level Objective (SLO) sets a minimum acceptable bar for the service level over a time window. Its complement is called error budget.
Service Level Agreement (SLA) ties the SLO to legal consequences when there’s leverage.
This article dissects the first 8 terms with examples and illustrations to build a solid terminology in the context of service levels.
Due to common misconceptions, there is a dedicated article about the service. TLDR; service is a capability or feature that solves a problem for the consumers.
Service can be any of these 3 types:
Automated: a service that’s fully automated using software/hardware. For example an endpoint that allows searching book titles and fetching book metadata to render a page in an online book store.
Manual: a manual service is either too expensive to automate (in terms of money, complexity, etc.) or requires human intervention or judgement (for example due to compliance, and ambiguity that requires flexibility). For example governance, incident triage, or customer support. Manual services are provided by a group of people.
Hybrid: a mix of the two. For example, the infrastructure team may use IaC (infrastructure as code) to govern access to a 3rd party tool (service). They expect the developers who use the platform (consumers) to create a PR (pull request) with their user-id in the IaC repo. The infrastructure team may manually review the PR. Once the PR is merged, it grants/removes access to that 3rd party tool using GitHub Actions automation.
Service provider provides the service.
The service provider can be a system, component, or group of people:
Group: are people who provide manual services that are either too expensive to automate or require human intervention or judgement. For example governance, incident triage, or customer support. The point of measuring service levels for manual services is to quantify performance in order to optimize. This data can also help justify automation when it is worth the ROI (Return On Investment).
Components: are concrete pieces of technical solution that solve a problem for the service consumer. For example: a microservice, a database, an API gateway, a piece of hardware, a 3rd party or open source piece of software.
Systems: are logical grouping of multiple components. For example: an online book store may have a group of components that support searching a book, storing book metadata, inventory status, and handling the payment. Depending on how these components are coupled, there may be different logical grouping: the entire site may be considered one system, or the search/catalog features may be one system and the cart/payment may be another. What’s important about systems is that they are logical grouping. Think of systems as folders that contain components as files.
Note: We use a terminology that is roughly based on Backstage. Backstage is a CNCF open source product for building Internal Developer Portals (IDP). Backstage terminology is roughly based on the C4 model. There are a few differences between our terminology and Backstage:
In Backstage, Components only provide APIs whereas in our terminology, Components provide any Service regardless of the technology or mechanism that’s used to expose that service. i.e., a component can provide a service that is a GUI (Graphical User Interface) or AUI (Audio User Interface) as well as API like gRPC, REST, or WebSocket.
In our terminology, the Group (people) and System (logical grouping) can also provide services whereas in Backstage, only components expose an API.
Service owner, owns the service. We’ve previously established the meaning of true ownership. In the context of service level it means:
Knowledge: Service owner knows how the service works, and how its performance is measured by service level indicator (SLI)
Responsibility: Service owner is held responsible for maintaining the service level above the objective that was agreed upon (SLO). The basic form of implementing this responsibility is to be on-call for the commitment (alerting on SLO will be discussed in another post). If there’s a legal agreement in place (SLA), service owner is accountable for that.
Mandate: Service owner has full control over HOW the service solves the consumer’s problem. This means they have access to all the knobs and gauges to optimize the service they are responsible for and don’t have to beg another party for permission to improve their service level. (this “begging” part is typically a symptom of broken ownership)
Ideally the service owner has all 3 elements of ownership. But the owner is at least responsible for the service meaning if there’s an issue with the service level, the owner is supposed to own that failure and do something about it.
Service owner is typically a group because people own the service. That group can be any organization unit:
An individual who maintains the service and is responsible to improve it
A team: that does the same. For example an internal PaaS (Platform as a Service) team offering an internal platform, or a front-end team behind the website that allows customers to order books, or a IoT (internet of things) team that allows the mobile app team to communicate with devices.
Or a corporation which sells the service. For example a SaaS (software as a service) to solve a particular problem (Example: Adobe) or a Platform for serving content (Example: Substack, YouTube) or software services (Example: Redhat). When money is involved, there’s typically a Service Level Agreement (SLA) in place too.
When a service is manual or hybrid, the service provider and owner can be the same group but not necessarily.
As the name suggests, consumes the service.
Just like the service provider, the consumer can be any of these types:
Group: a person or persona who uses the service. For example, end users may use an app to hail a taxi or find a rider (Uber). If the end user is a paying user, it is typically referred to as customer. When money is involved, there’s usually a Service Level Agreement (SLA) is in place. The user may also be internal. For example, an internal platform may be used by a group of developers. When the commitment is internal, usually a SLI and SLO is enough to communicate how reliability is measured and what is the level of service.
Component: same as the definition above. For example, a GraphQL API can be a consumer of upstream APIs. A mobile app can be the consumer of an identity service. A web page can be the consumer of tracking service.
System: same as the definition above. For example, Spotify’s web app is a consumer of their streaming, song catalog, and user tracking services among others. In this context, we don’t care to distinguish each individual component in the app (that information is probably irrelevant and abstract from the service provider perspective), so we see the whole web app as a system.
When the service consumer is a group of people, it may also act as a stakeholder but not necessarily. We’ll discuss the service stakeholder shortly.
Describes why the consumer uses a service. This usage essentially establishes a dependency from consumer to the service provider. The reason consumption is important in the context service level is because of the biggest pitfalls of implementing service levels: to measure the wrong thing! Service level should always be measured from the perspective of the consumers. Consumption describes that aspect.
Consumption is not a new idea. You may be familiar with it under different names:
Use Case describes how a consumer interacts with a system to achieve a specific goal. This term is also used in UML.
User Need describes why a user needs to use a service.
User Requirement describes what the users require from the service to achieve their goals and solve their problems.
Jobs To Be Done (JTBD) was popularized by Tony Ulwick as a framework that suggests consumers buy products or services to get a specific job done rather than generic features or benefits. The actual “job” here is the consumption.
Dependency is usually used for consumers which are components and systems. For example, a mobile application may a dependency to an API that provides core functionalities. The same app may also depend on a user tracking service to make sense of user behavior. The two dependencies are not equally important.
User Story is a short description of a feature told from the user's perspective with this basic template: "As a [type of user], I want [what they want to do] so that [benefit/value they get]". Consumption describes what the users want to do as well as their reason.
Failure describes how a consumption may not be successful. It is at the base of how [un]reliability is perceived from the perspective of the service consumer.
Failure is the opposite of the “level” in service level. Let’s see why.
Service Leve Indicator (SLI) is a positive concept as seen in the formula:
Note that there’s a small but important difference between valid and total.
Failure is a negative concept as seen in the formula for Service Failure Indicator (SFI):
SLO aims to optimize SLI while error budget aims to optimize SFI.
The reason failures are more important than success is because failures are important for alerting. Alerting is important for holding the service owner responsible for the service level objective (SLO).
One of the common pitfalls of implementing service levels is to measure what doesn’t matter from the service consumption perspective.
An effective way to make sure that you’re measuring the right thing is to ask whether it is worth to set alerting and on-call for it. If it’s just a mild inconvenience from the consumer’s perspective, maybe it is not worth waking up the on-call person. Instead you should find other metrics to measure more significant failures. We will discuss metrics shortly.
Failures have the following attributes:
Symptom: how does the consumer know that something is broken? There is a difference between symptoms and root causes. Symptom is how the failure is perceived by the consumer (e.g. HTTP 500 error) whereas the root cause is one or more issues that lead to that issue (e.g. the certificate is expired, API gateway cannot find upstream, Kubernetes cluster is down, etc.). In the context of service levels, we’re primarily interested to measure the symptoms. The idea is that if a potential root cause happens (e.g. CPU usage is through the roof), but no consumption is not suffering, you should not wake up the on-call person in the middle of the night to investigate. That’ll just lead to alert fatigue and attrition.
Consequences: what is the consequence of the symptom? For example, if the page they’re trying to reach is the login page and they get a 500 error, they will be practically blocked out of most services and cannot do anything.
Business Impact: how would the consequences hurt the business? Companies are primarily interested to make money, and if a failure hinders that hunger, it impacts the business. In the above example, a user who cannot log in to the service may file for a compensation (if there’s a SLA in place), or take their money and go to the rivals. The consequence and business impact are related and maybe are the same thing when we’re assessing the risks towards an external consumer (also called customer), but for internal consumers, business impact is about translating the consequence to how the consumer’s failure becomes something the business cares about. For example, if a platform team (service provider) fails to provision a new repository (service) for the developers (service consumer) in a timely manner (symptom) because the underlying infrastructure faced an edge case (root cause), the developers get blocked (consequences) and the business is paying for their idle time (business impact).
Impact Level: while business impact describes how the business takes a hit from failures, the impact level puts that into perspective. There is a difference between users on an old version of Android being blocked from logging in than all users on all platforms not being able to check out their shopping card. The impact level of a failure usually fits nicely to incident severity categorization that is used for incident triage.
Likelihood: this is hard to predict but roughly speaking
risk = threat x likelihood
: the more severe a threat and the more likely it is, the higher the risk. Therefore it’s good to have an idea about how likely a failure is, in order to prioritize preventing it.
Metrics quantify a behavior. They are at the core of Service Level Indicators which in turn are visualized as Service Level Status and trigger alerts to guarantee the Service Level Objective.
In the context of service levels, we’re primarily interested in metrics that quantify failure/success of the service provider from the perspective of the service consumer.
Example metrics: query latency, API error rate, queue length, timed-out requests, game rendering frame rate, GPU utilization, LLM token/second, etc.
You can think of a metric as an array of data points each with:
Value: what was the measurement
Timestamp: when that behavior occurred)
Metadata: For example, tags, labels, and annotations indicating the source, and providing more context about that measurement.
Data point type can be either:
Boolean: e.g., success of a probe checking if an endpoint is up, or whether a database record is up to date, etc.
Numeric: e.g., error rate, or request latency, etc.
Each data point may present:
A timeslot: e.g., if we probe an endpoint every minute, the status of the probe is extrapolated to assume the status of that endpoint over that entire minute
An event: e.g., a failed request, a cache hit, etc.
Timeslot data points are useful for time-based SLI whereas event data points are usually used for an event-based SLI.
An aggregation function (e.g., avg, min, max, percentile, sum, rate, etc.) can be used to convert an event metric to a time-based SLI. For example, you may use the P99 percentile value of every 5 minutes to represent that timeslot.
Just a reminder that a service can be automated (provided by a component or system) or manual (provided by a group of people).
Measuring the services provided by a group of people can be particularly challenging because not every manual operation leaves a trace that is quantifiable. That’s why you see things like this:

On the other hand, the biggest pitfall when measuring service levels of automated services is to measure the wrong thing or at the wrong place (we’ve covered the nuances of measurement location here).
While the consumer’s perspective is the key to define the right service level indicator (SLI), the stakeholder has a say to what the service level objective (SLO) should be or how much error budget is acceptable.
Stakeholders are a group of people representing the interest of the business (which is ideally the consumer’s interest but not always).
Stakeholders can help assess the business impact and impact level of failures.
The paying end-users (also known as customers) are typically seen as a stakeholder because they have the money leverage. While that is true, there are typically internal stakeholders (e.g., PM or UX) who have every intention to keep the service level as high as possible. Ideally, they want 100% for everything. It’s important to manage their expectations with tools like the Rule of 10x/9 to add the cost of reliability into perspective.
Stakeholder is a key part of the negotiations for SLO which in turn shapes the alerting rules.
Stakeholders negotiate on behalf of the service consumer for a higher SLO
Service owners negotiate for a higher error budget
For internal service levels, the consumer team representatives (PM/EM/Tech lead, developers) act as stakeholders. Since your service is their dependency, they want you to measure what matters to them (SLI) and hold the service owner accountable for a high level of service (SLO).
For example, many companies do platform engineering. The platform itself is typically not a product that is sold to the end users, but rather is there to improve efficiency and productivity. The teams that use the platform should have a say in what metrics they want to be improved (SLI) for example:
Time to provision a new service
Time to deploy a change to production
Time to grant access to key systems to a new joiner
The stakeholders in this case are all the people who have a say in what good looks like. The sheer number of stakeholders is one aspect that makes platforms hard to get right. We’ll cover platform engineering as a product in another post.
Cheat sheet
Putting all these terms together, we get this relation map:
With the language we’ve built, it’s very easy to define the product as a collection of services.
This is particularly useful for teams with internal stakeholders or consumers. For example, internal platform teams or common components used by many apps.
For example, if part of the org is responsible for:
Backstage: Self service portal, documentation, golden path
Kubernetes: runtime for distributed applications
Istio: application-aware network to orchestrate communication between those apps
The product is all those services that the sub-org provides to the consumers. Organizing the teams to streamline the consumer journey is a good way to implement full ownership:
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Another one: "Impact Level: while business impact describes how the business takes a hit from failures, the impact level puts that into perspective. There a difference between users..."
Should be "There *is* a difference..."
There is an error in this sentence: "Service Stakeholder is the equivalent of the service provider on the consumer side and has a say in service level objective (SLA)." It should be SLO and not SLA.